Thursday, June 14, 2007

Master of All Masters

Those of you who know me know how hard I have been searching for this book. Today was my lucky day as I found a copy in excellent condition for 10.99 so I ordered it straight away. I am so excited!!!!

In the meantime please enjoy the story i have been searching a lifetime to find.....

This was a story that mom read to me when i was a child, some of you may remember it also, enjoy!

A GIRL once went to the fair to hire herself for servant. At last a funny-looking old gentleman engaged her, and took her home to his house. When she got there, he told her that he had something to teach her, for that in his house he had his own names for things.

He said to her: 'What will you call me?'

'Master or mister, or whatever you please, sir,' says she.

He said: 'You must call me "master of all masters". And what would you call this?' pointing to his bed.

'Bed or couch, or whatever you please, sir.'

'No, that's my "barnacle". And what do you call these?' said he, pointing to his pantaloons.

'Breeches or trousers, or whatever you please, sir.'

'You must call them "squibs and crackers". And what would you call her?' pointing to the cat.

'Cat or kit, or whatever you please, sir.'

'You must call her "white-faced simminy".

And this now,' showing the fire, 'what would you call this?'

'Fire or flame, or whatever you please, sir.'

'You must call it 'hot cockalorum", and what this?' he went on, pointing to the water.

'Water or wet, or whatever you please, sir.'

'No, "pondalorum" is its name. And what do you call all this?' asked he as he pointed to the house.

'House or cottage, or whatever you please, sir.'

'You must call it "high topper mountain".'

That very night the servant woke her master up in a fright and said: 'Master of all masters, get out of your barnacle and put on your squibs and crackers. For white-faced simminy has got a spark of hot cockalorum on its tail, and unless you get some pondalorum high topper mountain will be all on hot cockalorum' . . . That's all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hot cockalorum! I was going to find that book and send it to you one day. But you beat me to it! It's a cool book. All parents should have the fun of reading it to their children. All children should have it in their library.

I wonder if it had any influence on you. Hee hee.