The pigieons in the photo's are not the ones I originally was going to get. I ordered these from someone else. There are three of them and they are really cool. I am thinking about buying another four as the guy has a super deal on them. These are roller pigeons meaning they fly up and then roll and dive bomb and they do it all synchronized. They are so different than park pigeons. Very sleek and actually pretty small. I can carry one in one hand.
The photos are were taken by me inside the loft I built for them. Thats my loft with me standing beside it. the cage on the front is there to allow them to go outside when they want. I still need to add a one way fly door, lets them in but not out, but that will wait for now.
They're cute little birds. They look like they'll have fun hopping around in there. (and flying)
BTW when are you going to show us a picture of your geetar and maybe even a video of you playing?
I don't know who's cuter...the pigeons or you! Heehee! Ya, we wanna see you play guitar!
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