Tuesday, October 13, 2009

CO2 vs CO

You hear it everyday from the media, politicians, actors, etc.

GLOBAL WARMING or the easier to explain name GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE.

Just today, while listening to the radio, I heard that CO2 is destroying our atmosphere and if we don't get it under control the earth is going to die and us along with it.

So my carbon based brain started thinking about this and it got really confused.

Brain chime in here please;

Brain: CO2 = carbon dioxide

Me: You are correct

Brain: Plants use CO2 for life and give off oxygen

Me: Correct again

Brain: Mammals use O2 and give off CO2

Me: Correct again

Brain: This means we need to kill all mammals to help lower CO2 emissions

Get with the program people; it is not the CO2 that is the problem it is the CO otherwise known as carbon monoxide. Jeez how stupid can they be!