Tuesday, October 13, 2009

CO2 vs CO

You hear it everyday from the media, politicians, actors, etc.

GLOBAL WARMING or the easier to explain name GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE.

Just today, while listening to the radio, I heard that CO2 is destroying our atmosphere and if we don't get it under control the earth is going to die and us along with it.

So my carbon based brain started thinking about this and it got really confused.

Brain chime in here please;

Brain: CO2 = carbon dioxide

Me: You are correct

Brain: Plants use CO2 for life and give off oxygen

Me: Correct again

Brain: Mammals use O2 and give off CO2

Me: Correct again

Brain: This means we need to kill all mammals to help lower CO2 emissions

Get with the program people; it is not the CO2 that is the problem it is the CO otherwise known as carbon monoxide. Jeez how stupid can they be!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Crappy Economy and the Credit Crunch

I read this morning that Barrack Hussien Obama plans to meet with the credit card companies in an effort to reduce interest rates and increase disclosure. He is doing this so that the 80% of Americans who have a credit card can feel confident in thier use especially in these hard times.

Let me hark back to the days of yore, actualy not that much yore. The credit card as we know it today originally made it debut in 1958, yes there were some types of credit cards issued by a particular store but Visa, Mastercard and AMEX did not come around until 1958 or so.

How the crap did people live prior to 1958, I mean, where did they get the money to purchase big ticket items, or outfit themselves with a brand new wardrobe, or even just put gas in the car and buy a bottle of soda? They used this amazing little item quaintly reffered to as CASH!

I have heard so many times from young folks how thier parents and grandparents always seem to have money. They seem to think the older generations had a secret formula that allowed them to retire and live out thier lives in realative comfort.

The secret is, THEY DID NOT USE CREDIT! What you say, of course they did, how else did they buy that house, or that car, or that etc. Cash me boyo, cold hard cash!

Once you free yourselves from debt and make the determination that you will forever more never take another drop of credit from anyone you will be amazed at how good you feel everyday.

I personally look at these folks driving the fancy cars and living in the fancy houses and laugh my ass off all the way to the bank, LITERALLY!!!!!!!

I don't worry about my credit rating, I don't worry about someoen stealing my credit card, I don't worry about any of that crap cause I don't use it. It is very liberating when you realize that your credit rating has nothing to do with your character or your financial health. I save, pay my bills and BUY WITH CASH!

I do not have a 72 inch plasma screen, why? Because I don't want to part with my cash. I do not have a 20 foot power boat, why? Cause I like my money better.

Someday when I am around 55 I will retire and live in comfort on what I saved, maybe then I will get those things when I can enjoy them, EVERYDAY if I want to. Or maybe not, maybe I will just buy an island in the South Pacific, sit on the beach and wait to die.

The one thing I am sure of is this, whatever I decide to do I will do it without using credit and without stress.

I think the interest rates on new credit cards should be 100% that way people won't use them and be forced to live by the old addage, if you dan't have the money don't spend the money, also known as don't live on more than you earn!

Friday, February 20, 2009


Carnival season is upon those of us lucky enough to live in a place where magic and mystery herald in the new year.

For those of you unfamiliar with carnival it begins January 6th and finishes at midnight on Fat Tuesday. For 2009 this is February 24th. During this time over 5 dozen parades will roll through downtown and the surrounding areas. Millions of throws will be caught and treasured. Ladies in elaborate ball gowns will be seen with their dapperly dressed gentlemen making their way to the private balls held by each Krewe.

Most interesting of all there is no coordinating body. Carnival just happens, much like Christmas or Easter. Each Krewe just decides where it will parade and then does it.

My carnival season kicked off this past Sunday night at the House of Blues, New Orleans. My wife and I ate dinner and then headed to Bourbon for a walkabout before returning to The House of Blues to see Hank III and AssJack.

New Orleans was the first stop on their 2009 tour and they rocked the house! There is nothing like hellbilly music played loud and proud. While standing in line we spoke with the Daniel Mason, the banjo players, mother who was following her son on tour. They had driven down from Tenessee for the show. He is only 19 and has been playing for about two years, spoke with Daniel later and was very impressed. Hats off to you on Smoke and Wine!

Before Hank III came on I caught of glimpse of Shelton standing in the shadows of the stage while The Poor Bastards played. I gave him the horns and he shot back the double bird, thank you Hank.

Tonight we are headed out with the kids to see the Krewe of Orpheus ride in Mandeville. No plans yet for Saturday but we will be on Bourbon with friends on Monday (Lundi Gras) and on Canal with the kids for the Krewe of Rex on Tuesday (Mardi Gras).

As a parting shot here is the man himself with Daniel Mason on Smoke and wine, Enjoy..........
